Monday, November 3, 2014

Craft(y) Project: ESL Halloween Activities & Resources

Halloween has come and gone, yes, but I've been extra festive this year to make up for last year when I had to move on October 30th, dressed as a pirate from work, in a country that doesn't know anything about Halloween full of people who already stare enough on a normal day. I was too tired to go out and do anything for myself; it sucked and that's as far as I'm going to go to revisit it.

Something else I've been doing is going through all of my photos and documents from my time in Korea to come up with new posting topics, as sort of an homage to the experience and to actually sort through what I've got. Most of these were found for free online, but some I made or partially made myself, and I know I would've liked to find them all conveniently located in one place, and all in a usable non-thumbnail size.
Let's start with the only Korea-specific item, this list of higher-level Halloween vocab with blank lines for sentences:

Here's another writing activity and some paper/stationery you can print out:

A Halloween book report sheet I made:

And a kid-friendly text about the origins of Halloween from Time for kids, consensed into one page (Here's the original):

Here's a Frankenweenie vocab and reading worksheet meant to go with the original 1984 short (because it's class-length friendly):

Here's some very simple stuff for the littler ones...

This can be either a spelling or phonics activity. It doesn't matter if "cat" is the only one they know, or if they don't even know that: read the words to them, and talk about each one before moving on.

...Including these cute autumnal graphics, which I collected, printed out twice and used to create a memory matching game (the kind where you flip over the cards). I first asked the wee babbies what these things were, if they were cute, scary, etc., then had the small class of 5 cut them all out together. After that we talked about leaves and how leaves look before making some with coloured paper, then sticking one little image on each leaf. This way the kids can remember the image, the leaf, or both. Once they got a match I asked them to say what it was. E.g., "It's a Jack 'o Lantern," or "This is an owl".

If you don't have brads to put this skeleton together, use staples or yarn. Seriously, having the kids tying that many little pieces of yarn or string is a great way to get them to focus and eat up time if you need to give a make-up test, grade things, etc. It'll work even better if you can print it out on thicker paper.

Or you can have them dress Skeletina or another of these paper dolls to teach about what different clothing items are called, and/or use the paper characters for other activities:

I stuck 3 of these together in MS Paint so I could orient the paper to landscape and do it quicker with less paper:

And finally, here's my collection of Disney Halloween colouring pages: