Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Currently Reading

1. Five Women Who Loved Love, which I read for a class my freshman year but am enjoying more this time around;

2. Candy Everybody Wants, which is not (yet) quite as hilarious as the author's actual memoir, I Am Not Myself These Days;

3. The Power, summed up: Your attitude is really all that matters in life if you pause and consider it, so being angry and spiteful is a waste of time. There, I saved you a couple of hours.

4. Bashō's Journey

5. The Narrow Road to Oku
Read the illustrated Keene translation; I read Narrow Road to the Interior in school and it blew chunks.

6. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

7. Finally, Noble Norfleet, which inevitably reminds me of my ex and his family in Kentucky and is very bizarre and depressing. Incest and insanity prevail so be warned!

Recommended Reading:
I Am Not Myself These Days

Randomly enough, I guess, I found out about Josh Kilmer-Purcell on The Fabulous Beekman Boys when I was going through a major Planet Green channel phase last year. This book is a New York Times bestseller from '06 and chronicles his mid 20's, spent as an alcoholic drag queen/junior advertising art director with a crackhead male escort boyfriend in New York City in the late 90's. I laughed my ass off (actually, out loud) while simultaneously contemplating the frailty of the human spirit. It might be my favourite book.

His drag queen persona, Aqua, is short for "Aquadisiac", though he admits realising soon after choosing the name that the play on "aphrodisiac" is lost on the average clubgoer.  
He wore real goldfish in his plastic orb boobs of the future, and cared for them lovingly. If you're not convinced to read it at this point, I don't know what you're doing looking at this blog.

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