Friday, June 21, 2019

First Wedding Anniversary

Well, that flew right by. There's not much else to say except to keep reiterating how fast time has managed to continue passing at the same speed.

Predictably, things are super different now than they were when we finally got married, after struggling anxiously for months in totally unnecessary bureaucratic tar pits like unwitting mammoths. It's a very clockwork sort of thing, everything clicking into place once you've been legally living somewhere for exactly a year. 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Weekend (3.29 - 3.31): Wildpark-MV Güstrow and Another Sunny Birthday in Rostock

Another weekend, another birthday! This is what happens when you marry into such a massive social circle. But hey, I'm not complaining: going to Rostock is always really nice because Hannes' parents are so generous and welcoming, and getting used to a nonstop flow of events, holidays, get-togethers, and trips is way better than being bored!

I knew exactly what Hannes' mom wanted, because she had told me outright months before: a facsimilie of a simple light blue acrylic painting of the sea, some clouds, and a lone gull that I had done for my mom when I was maybe 12 or so, and that she'd had hung up in her subtly ocean-themed bathroom ever since. Anke had seen it when they visited the States to meet and spend time with my family back in October.

Okay, great! That's simple. 

Obviously, I started it at the last minute, basically working on it the day we left.


lol is this behind the scenes of our album cover photoshoot, or..