Thursday, June 20, 2019

Weekend (3.29 - 3.31): Wildpark-MV Güstrow and Another Sunny Birthday in Rostock

Another weekend, another birthday! This is what happens when you marry into such a massive social circle. But hey, I'm not complaining: going to Rostock is always really nice because Hannes' parents are so generous and welcoming, and getting used to a nonstop flow of events, holidays, get-togethers, and trips is way better than being bored!

I knew exactly what Hannes' mom wanted, because she had told me outright months before: a facsimilie of a simple light blue acrylic painting of the sea, some clouds, and a lone gull that I had done for my mom when I was maybe 12 or so, and that she'd had hung up in her subtly ocean-themed bathroom ever since. Anke had seen it when they visited the States to meet and spend time with my family back in October.

Okay, great! That's simple. 

Obviously, I started it at the last minute, basically working on it the day we left.


lol is this behind the scenes of our album cover photoshoot, or..


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