Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Weekend (4.19 - 4.21): Springtime Grilling, Earth Day, and Easter Sunday in Bremen

Hoo-boy, this is a real marathon weekend and photo dump! 

I crammed it all into one post instead of the original two it was spread into because of the extreme lateness of all of this. Believe it or not, I don't want this to be my default mode and am trying to get out of it! Between leaving Japan and the packed summer of fun leading up to it and the major disk error that caused me to lose so many photos, either completely or in their organised and edited form, followed by moving to Germany and the almost year-long process of getting married, I fell further behind in the summer of 2017 than ever before, and it's obviously just continued up to now. ... And will keep continuing for a while.

So, what I'm doing is trying to post everything chronologically, but regardless of year. In the cases of so many events, concerts, trips, and weekends, I organised and edited all the photos, selected and uploaded them into posts, and then just never went back and put it all the text. 
For example, next is May, in order from the 1st to 31st, but for 2017, 2018, and this year. I picked a way of sharing all this stuff and am trying to get through it, because if I don't just go for it, I never will, and that will drive me crazy. Crazier. Even crazier than I've been in my lateness up to now. No one wants to see that.

I even have the Hiroshima, Miyajima, and Setouchi Triennale posts queued up neatly for October when I eventually get there, even though that glorious and insanely expensive trip was way back in 2016. The Great German Road Trip of early 2015? Yes, we're going to cycle back around to that, too.

But, okay, so, speaking of how October is coming up, Easter Weekend! Woo!

So idyllic, right? These are yaezakura, a common variety of poofy, late-blooming cherry blossoms that are also common in Japan.

Tulips, though, you don't see much of there.

Magnolias yes, but I don't remember ever seeing expansive, mighty old trees like this in Japan or Korea, because I can only recall heavily-trimmed urban ones. Side note, Hamburg has a lot of nice random statues everywhere.

The Monday of this long holiday weekend was Earth Day, and I'm going to skip over Sunday real quick to show you what our windowsill "garden" looked like before I made Hannes come outside for 45 minutes or so to plant stuff with me and take photos of it.

Not a whole lot going on here, right?
These cute metal pail planters were a housewarming gift from Hannes' aunt and uncle, and their current occupants plus the sad and scanty poinsettia were all given to us by his mom at various points in time.

Rabbit food galore!


I take all the photos as you know all too well, but sometimes I make Hannes take a few of me, too.

Pretty sure I've actually used #gingerssquintinginthesun on Instagram; he was a good sport about this, though, and anyway, it was a lazy day of just being on the sofa, so being outside in the sun and then coming back up the stairs was good for everybody.

Ooh! Is this clover plant a.. rhizome? Interesting

We planted the cucumbers, lettuce, and miniature carrots that came with these kits, too.

lol yes I did order this in Ass Grey 

Ta daaaa

And so beginneth the overgrowth in the window

Nothing is ever much to look at right at the beginning, but these plants just got greener, denser, and happier throughout the summer.

But so, back to Easter Sunday: there was a special train ticket deal for that day so that people could spend less on going home or going out to enjoy the fair springtime weather.

New city, new manhole cover. New country, same rules apply.

Did you ever read that fairytale The Bremen Musicians as a kid? Yes, this is that Bremen.
And yes, there is a selfie line in front of this statue. It's just below the bottom edge of the photo, conveniently cropped out.

Magnum and Blue Steel, flawlessly executed

I just thought this was big mood

Speaking of big mood.. #kaffeehag

Perfect. #kaffeehagseit1988

Bland, room temperature canned vegetables in a sopapilla covered with enough sour cream to flow like Hawaiian lava is what often passes for a "taco" in Germany. I don't know why they genuinely don't understand this or can't get it right.. and I used to complain about and mock Korean Mexican food! At least those people aren't afraid to eat something spicier than sweet paprika..

... this is Hannes' "I knew you were going to complain about the not-Mexican food" face

There wasn't a ton of street art to speak of, at least that I saw, but these pasteups are pretty cool.

I wonder who the artist is?

This Sailormoon is by a Hamburg slapster called Erina.
Her Sailormoon linocut prints are pretty charming and prolific.

I don't know who did this derpy dinochicken but I dig it lol

Aww, oh no! So quaint!

This long weekend was one of the times earlier this year that I took way too many photos, if you can't tell by the length of this post and Hannes' face.. I've been working on not doing that anymore, but this was just too perfect.


Bremen honestly surprised us both: we knew it would be quaint, but what around here isn't? We look out our window and see a bunch of grazing rabbits and pale yellow butterflies flitting around flowers during this half of the year. I walk through and work in UNESCO World Heritage Sites. You know? 
Even so, Bremen was really, really nice, and neither of us realised it until we went. I hope I'll get to go back soon!

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